Monitoring the environmental impact of our work


At R.J. Blasting we take our impact on the environment very seriously. In ground vibration sensitive areas we will monitor and assess the vibration and air overpressure of our work with the due diligence it deserves. Working within Local Authority set limits and limits defined in the British Standards we will do what is necessary to satisfy these conditions. This involves deploying sensitive vibration monitoring equipment and using the results from these readings to -if required- adapt our blasting operations to keep these readings to a minimum. This can be as much as limiting the amount of explosives being fired at any one point in time (Maximum Instantaneous Charge or MIC) or changing our drilling patterns and depths.


Our commitment to the environment can also involve the way we maintain our plant. We have numerous systems of work in place to deal with any oil leaks or fuel spillages that may occur. Our staff are trained how to quickly stop further leaks and deal with any spillages that may have occured.

We have only one planet, and R.J. Blasting is committed to doing what it can to protect it.